The Little Princess & The Big Guy

The Little Princess & The Big Guy

Sunday, February 28, 2010

To a 'T'

"Extraordinary individuals are distinguished less by their impressive ‘raw power’ than by their ability to identify their strengths and then to exploit them.” Howard Gardner

As part of my teaching job, I just completed the 'Strengths Quest' activity -- a series of questions which will help you identify your areas of strength. There are 34 areas of strength, and the exercise identifies your top 5.

The idea is that if you work from your strengths, you'll be more successful than if you attempt to overcome your weaknesses (not deficiencies - as in 'I only took high school math' or 'I don't read well'). Spending your time and energy on improving in areas where you are fundamentally week will provide some payoff; one may even develop average proficiency.

Take that same time and energy and spend it in your areas of strength, and you'll excel. In short, the focus is on enhancing an individual's skills, and addressing deficits, not just remediation of problems.

There are some clear benefits -- if you need to hire a team of employees, it's common sense to find team members that augment your strengths and fill voids left by your 'less than strengths.'

The skeptic in me wonders 'how much of this is P.C. BS?' That comes from my northern European/Protestant Work Ethic background. This cultural indoctrination also leaves me cool to the 'toot your own horn' approach. On the other hand, if you're not tooting it, who will?

My 5, in no particular order: Learner, Relator, Input, Responsibility, Self-Assurance.

In aggregate, these would, indeed, be me.

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