The Little Princess & The Big Guy

The Little Princess & The Big Guy

Saturday, February 20, 2010

To 'Drivel' or Not to 'Drivel'

1. saliva flowing from the mouth, or mucus from the nose; slaver.
2. childish, silly, or meaningless talk or thinking; nonsense; twaddle.


I told a friend I was blogging daily. He rolled his eyes.
"What do you write about?"
"Oh, whatever catches my fancy or attention."
"Nothing important then. What did you 'blog' about today?"
"About eating at Viva and having Andy as a waiter.'

Somewhere in there, he used the word 'drivel.'

I told him about 'Julie and Julia,' and how Julie had blogged about cooking Julia Child's recipes, turned it into a book, then had a movie made about her experiences.

"You KNOW that's not going to happen to you. You're not doing anything important."

This from a man who tells me I'm overly critical.

I responded: "you know, you're probably right. I'm probably the only one reading what I write. But I'm doing it for anyone else, I'm doing it because it's fun."

And I am. The pattern I've set is that I usually sit down at the computer late in the evening, and grumbling to myself, navigate to blogspot. Sometimes I have a topic in mind, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I think I'll write about one issue, then, once I start typing, another subject captures my thoughts and overrides my intentions.

Once I sit down and start, it's relatively easy to continue. I tend to return to the post later and edit or polish it. The act of making myself sit at my desk and work is the challenging aspect of blogging. I do not know how full-time writers meet their deadlines, or plop down in front of a blank screen or page and create. I have new respect for authors and journalists.

To drivel or not to drivel, that is the question, at least with this blog.

Sure, few, if any, read this. And yes, the topics are mundane. To me, what's more important is that I enjoy the process. Besides, what's the harm in creating drivel? It's relatively harmless, free and an outlet for my thoughts. Hence, at this point, I choose to write drivel.

Stay tuned! More twaddle ahead!

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