The Little Princess & The Big Guy

The Little Princess & The Big Guy

Monday, January 31, 2011


I think about you every day. I long to wrap my arms around your big, furry neck and bury my face in your soft grey coat. Yesterday, I remember when you went to the vet for you-know-what. I went to pick you up the next day, and you were so dopey! All that anesthesia!

The vet tech told me to go into the back room, where another tech was holding your leash. You looked miserable -- your head drooped, and your tail sagged earthward. I'd only had you in my life for a few days, yet when you smelled and heard me, your ears pricked and oh, so very slowly, your tail started to raise..... until it formed its perfect Akita curlicue. You knew me!

And of course I recalled the second or third day you were in my house. NL, the director of the rescue group through whom I was (allegedly) 'just fostering' you, had told me: "never, never, never, put your face at the level of an Akita's."

So when I was squatting in front of the bathroom vanity, rummaging around for whatever, I froze when you walked up behind me and took the back of my head (my ENTIRE HEAD!) in your mouth. I thought a (very) bad word and 'I'm going to die!'

When you let go, I stood up oh, so s-l-o-w-l-y, I was relieved when you took my (entire) thigh in your mouth. I distinctly remembered thinking 'weeeelllll, I can live with one leg.'

Stupid human that I am, I didn't realize that this was your way of saying you loved me.

Remember how, if ever I was walking with someone else, you'd come up behind us and then walk between us? Remember, during your last year, how you'd stick your head between my legs if I was talking to someone? What a goof! You'd always be so proud of yourself.

I miss you, K. I think of you every day. I have two wonderful, terrific, amazing dogs in my life, and neither of them are you. You are always in my heart. I love you.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


I was at a nutritional workshop yesterday in Oswego, NY. About 4 inches of snow fell as we were in session, and the drive home was tiring and a bit scary.

I tested positive for adrenal failure and hyperactive thyroid. I am not *at all* surprised. Cravings for fat, sugar and salt (yummmm, potato chips! Cookies - delish!) frequently go hand in hand with adrenal problems. Further, I've got food sensitivities to: gluten, dairy, wheat, oats, corn, sugar, soy. I'm OK with eggs.

So I'm ordering up the appropriate supplements, and will spend the next month on a fairly stringent diet of everything that excludes the above food groups. Oh, and for my fruit selection, I'll be sticking to apples. This limited diet doesn't seem to leave me with much of a selection. Fish, chicken, turkey, venison (no beef). Brown rice. Gluten free bread, muffins, crackers & cookies. Beans, potatoes. Any/all veg. Nuts (peanuts - no)

I was not surprised by the findings. I've at least suspected my adrenal glands were functioning poorly. Fatigue, tension, restless leg syndrome, lack of motivation are all associated with hypo-adrenal function. They're also associated with (many) other health issues, both emotional and physical.

It'll be fascinating and fun to see how I feel after I get the supplements and start the diet & pills. After a month, I'll retest (probably myself) and see what, if anything, I can add back into my diet.

Virtually everyone in the class as well as all of the patients who volunteered to come in to be test cases tested positive for candida, gluten intolerance and/or adrenal insufficiency. The workshop leader said that 80% of her practice is gut and endocrine. Fix these, and people show huge improvements.

Now, are you wondering if you fit into this category? Are you thinking "But I eat so well!" Or "I have an easy life!" Or 'Not me, I feel healthy." In general, all of the above apply to me, too. So if you're interested in improving your health and well-being, I can probably help!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I grieve for the families of those who died and those who were injured in Arizona this past weekend.

And I also place (at least part) of the blame squarely in the laps of the right wing talk show hosts and politicians who spew vitriol and incite violence, encouraging their followers to take action.

Sarah Palin in particular should be held responsible. Her PAC put gun sights on 20 democrats who were Republican districts yet voted for the health care bill.

Within hours of the shooting, the map was yanked from her website (but it's still up on Huffington Post. Yesterday Palin said they're surveyor marks, not cross hairs.

My ass.

Today, I read that Palin is whining that those who are commenting about the cross-hair map is irresponsible.

The depth and breath of her hypocrisy is stunning. It's also depressing: allegedly educated people think she's ok! 25% of the U.S. population would vote for her for president!

How stupid ARE we?