The Little Princess & The Big Guy

The Little Princess & The Big Guy

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sunny afternoon

Home for lunch. I took The Little Princess on my rounds this morning. She's still getting used to the schedule of being left in the car while I treat patients or run errands.

The first few times I took her, she was quite put out about being left behind in the car while I went somewhere without her. When I let her out to stretch her legs, she'd trot off, ignoring me. If people were around, she'd sashay up for attention, telling me 'see! these people think I'm important!' She's getting better. Now she naps between the short drives. Also, a few patients do invite her in, but she quickly bores of 'someone else's house' so it's easier to leave her in the car.

These sojourns tire her out. She's sacked out on one of their many beds, sound asleep.

I leave The Big Guy behind to hold down the fort. His hindquarters are so unstable, he no longer enjoys car rides. I give him treats as I leave, and fuss over him when we return, but I have lingering guilt. I need to get over that: he's reaching a point where he's not sure he even likes the thought of a ride.

The Little Girl Dog, on the other hand, is wild about the idea as well as the actual ride. When she realizes she's 'going with!' she barks with joy, levitating off the ground, then charges for the nearest toy, carrying it around proudly. Once she's out the door, she charges to the car, yipping, with tail flailing wildly.

Both dogs are snoozing. The Big Guy is breathing deeply & sonorously. It's relaxing just to see and hear them. It would be a whole heck of a lot nicer to take a nap, rather than gear up for teaching tonight.

Tomorrow, at least (or I hope!) is an easy day.... perhaps I'll get some time off then.

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