The Little Princess & The Big Guy

The Little Princess & The Big Guy

Monday, February 1, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes

Took a flying trip into Wegman's between appointments. I was tearing down an aisle when I saw a blonde, blue eyed cherub staring at me. I looked away to grab a package & pop it in my basket.

Angel-girl was still staring goggle-eyed at me. Checking my watch, I sped up -- can't be late! I figured my hair was sticking up or I had something on my face. Why else would the tiny tot be so intent?

As I approached her cart, she stuck her chubby hand, finger pointing, at my face. "Look Mommy! Look at that old lady! She's really pretty!"

"Sweetie," I replied, "I'm only a year or two older than your mommy."

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