The Little Princess & The Big Guy

The Little Princess & The Big Guy

Monday, April 12, 2010

Me and Gilda Radner

Ms. Radner was my favorite comedienne. Deadpan, sometimes subtle, others outrageous, her humor struck a cord in me. Her autobiography, 'It's Always Something,' details her life and her struggle against ovarian cancer.

She's right. It's always something. It's hard to be self-employed, for example. I get ill, cancel patient visits (I don't want to spread the wealth, so to speak), then double up my schedule once I feel better.

Burning the candles at both ends! Leads to... yep, getting sick again. I could tell I was getting better - I was feeling better within days, rather than feeling lousy for weeks.

Ms. Radner was correct, however. It IS always something. Sticking to my tri-training schedule, I went for a 60 minute run on Sunday. Part of it was on a trail around Taughannock. Just as I was about to turn around, bam!

I tripped and fell heavily. Scraped elbow, wrenched shoulder, bruised (please, not cracked, please!) ribs, rip up and twisted knee.

Left knee is currently the size of a large grapefruit, with quite a little rip in it.
It also feels tweaky and creaky. Ribs just hurt. It hurts to breathe, laugh, cough, sneeze, blow my nose. I've been walking hunched over, because it hurts to stand up straight.

Give me a crash like this over ovarian cancer any day -- I'll take my something over hers any day.

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